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Equity and sustainability
By Jackson Van Horn
Not-so-fun fact:
According to a study done by UCLA, only 1 in 10 film directors are people of color.
To learn more about the lack of diversity among entertainment executives and creatives, click here.
The plans below, made to address inequity and sustainability, will only apply to projects that are entirely produced by me. Meaning, I must hold an "Executive Producer" or "Director" title.
Plans will begin to phase into productions by 2022.
Updated 12/14/2021
My plan to address inequity with my productions:
Greater than 30% of all crew positions will be held by women, POC, disabled persons, and/or members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Greater than 30% of all key* crew positions will be held by women, POC, disabled persons, and/or members of the LGBTQ+ community.
If a storyline permits, 25% or more of key characters (including main and supporting) will be played by women, POC, disabled persons, and LGBTQ+ community members.
30% of background and recurring characters will be women, POC, disabled persons, and LGBTQ+ peoples.
If a story’s themes relate to race/sexuality/gender/disability, more than 25% of key positions will be held by peoples of that specific group. (Example: If a storyline specifically relates to black women, black women will make up 25% of the key* crew positions).
*Key crew positions include Producers, Writers, the Director, Cinematographer, Artistic Director, Key Grip, Gaffer, Sound Designer, Editor, and Assistant Directors.
My plan to address sustainability with my productions:
>30% of Crafts and Services materials must be compostable.
>30% of costumes and set decor will be second hand.
unused food from Crafts and Services will be donated to members of the homeless population, food banks, and/or Community Fridges.
product placement or endorsement from or by a company, must have ethical practices and a positive outlook toward the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ community.
Looking ahead to the next five years:
I will continue to increase the percentages mentioned above.
25% of rented locations will be owned by women, POC, disabled persons, or members of the LGBTQ+ community.
25% paper reduction for production.
Complete transition to 100% paperless pre-production.
Beyond the next five years:
Transition to complete 100% paperless production and post-production.
Creation of scholarships for LGBTQ+ and BIPOC college students pursuing a career in film.
Creation of internship opportunities in which 75% of the participants are women, POC, disabled, and/or LGBTQ+.
All Crafts and Services materials will be compostable.
25% of production will run on renewable resources.
Creation of a zero waste initiative.
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